Wolf Sanctuary Oregon
Located on a 20-acre facility with a 3000-acre buffer we offer both the veterans and our rescued animals an opportunity to heal and thrive in a back-to-nature setting. All persons who work directly with our wolves are screened before being introduced to the animals and they are allowed to work with the wolves only under supervision until they are qualified to be on their own which takes many hours of training. White Wolf Sanctuary Come Howl With Us At White Wolf Sanctuary White Wolf Sanctuary Educational Facility Tidewater. Wolf sanctuary oregon . Calling TAINT Identities Two spirit Agender Intersex Nonbinary Transto Wolf Creek Sanctuary Sept 11-16 2019for exploration and celebration of gender mysteries Registration opens August 1 2019 and will close ifwhen we reach our capacity of 100. They were seeking to place a 25 year old female who would come to the fence for treats but otherwise had no interest in socializing with humans preferring the company of her own kind and loved to pl...