Why Are The Bees Disappearing
What youre hearing about colony collapse disorder affects one species of bee the European honey bee. In a new study published in Cell Press scientists reveal a troubling statistic. Why Honey Bees Are Disappearing Causes Why Are Bees Important Theres also a fungus called Nosema that can destroy entire colonies so beekeepers began using fungicides. Why are the bees disappearing . Using this RFID transponder it is possible to record details of their behavior and of their survival rates following exposure to pesticides. To keep their baby bees from liquifying beekeepers began to use antibiotics. The human race is really starting to feel the consequences of their actions. The biggest bee problem was foulbrood a bacterial disease where the larvae baby bees turn into a disgusting brown goop. Honey bees at the moment are dying in their millions. The main reasons for their disappearance are. A new study out of Harvard University published in the June edition of the Bulleti...