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Guinea Pig Things

The feet have hairless soles and short sharp claws. Guinea pigs are popular pets especially for families largely due to their wonderful temperaments. 10 Things Guinea Pigs Hate Youtube You should always note your pets energy level relative to his younger healthier self. Guinea pig things . Guinea pigs are social animals meaning guinea pigs can not and should not live alone. Ewer in chi cargo is my guinea pigs name hahaha. Guinea pig on May 14 2020. Again the guinea pig GI tract is not meant for anything but plants. I get 2 and Im naming them baby and baba. Hay Hay and more Hay The key thing to remember is that hay represents 70 to 80 of their diet and this provides not only the fibre for their gut but will assist in wearing down their constantly growing teeth. Other Foods They Can Eat Guinea pigs. Its important to provide your guinea pig with fulfilling enrichment and mental stimulation to promote a. In larger groups they feel safer and therefore happier. ...