Make A Rocket Stove
This stove is great. The Rocket Stove Design base has an interactive tool which apparently only works in the Firefox browser that allows you to input elements of the stove youd like to build and spits out a plan for your stove in PDF format. How To Make A Rocket Stove At Home Youtube To make the rocket stove you need a large coffee can and a J-shaped pipe or two soup cans cut and placed together to create a J-shape. Make a rocket stove . Recycling is one of the best ways of collecting materials for your rocket stove mass heater. Cut a hole in the side of the big tin about 3cm up from the bottom. The hole should be the same diameter as the small tins. If you want indestructible durability build a gravity-fed carbon steel rocket stove. Self-feeding rocket stove plans. I find that utilizing this design for a rocket stove it only takes about 3 or less one foot sections of 24 split down into ¼ or ½ inch thick kindling to boil water in as little as 5 mins if you have the wood pr...