Strawberry Tooth Whitening
A simple tooth-cleaner can be made by mixing strawberry pulp with baking soda and brushing it on with a toothbrush. Apparently the malic acid in strawberries is an astringent which removes surface discoloration on teeth. Whiten Teeth Using Strawberries Banana Peels Whiten teeth with baking soda and strawberries One of the remedies for teeth whitening with more effective strawberries is to make a paste composed of strawberries and baking soda. Strawberry tooth whitening . Can using strawberries to whiten your teeth be damaging to your teeth. It is a wrong notion that strawberries can whiten teeth. How often should I clean my teeth with strawberries and sodium bicarbonate. Yes it is true that strawberries can make your teeth white because of their acid content. If you are interested in knowing about how to use dr oz strawberry teeth whitener then this is the tip that can help your cause. Strawberries have a compound called malic acid which contains excellent properties for w...