Where Can I Buy Kefir
Kefir has the texture and consistency of thin drinking yoghurt with a yeasty slightly tart flavour and creamy mouthfeel. 07 Fermentaholics ORGANIC Water Kefir Grains - Live Starter Culture - Makes a Quart Batch - 70 Grams of Starter Grains - Brew Your Own Water Kefir At Home. Kefir The Walking Encyclopedia View Whats on Sale Now. Where can i buy kefir . Ad RTV Silicone Foam Duct Wrap Caulk Intumescent Endothermic Sealants. 23 reviews On sale. Some bigger health food shops such as Holland Barrett have it in their fridges but its a good idea to call ahead and check. View Whats on Sale Now. You can find more Kefir drink and Kefir food products at Walmart including Strawberry Kefir which tastes like creamy delicious strawberry milk plus Blueberry and yogurt smoothie drinks too. Ad RTV Silicone Foam Duct Wrap Caulk Intumescent Endothermic Sealants. If you would like to sell our product in your store please contact us for further information at. Make you own yogurt now....