Big Food Companies
For Food Processings Top 100 we rank companies based on value-addedconsumer-ready but not necessarily branded or in final form foods and beverages that were manufactured in US. Some corporate leaders have abused their power for example by allying with their few competitors to fix prices. This Infographic Shows How Only 10 Companies Own All The World S Brands Infografik Gida Illustrasyonlar These companies Nestlé PepsiCo Coca-Cola Unilever Danone General Mills Kelloggs Mars. Big food companies . Converted into dollars Nestle had more than 100 billion in sales and more than 11 billion in profits in 2013. The Switzerland food giant alone employed roughly 333000 people. Thats far from the case. So for now at least its good to be Big Food. Tyson PepsiCo Nestle and a few other huge conglomerates have convinced us that we need their products to survive. Mars owns several well-known chocolate brands such as MMs Milky Way Snickers and Twix. Thats why Coke is listed at No. ...