Ulcer Treatment Food
These foods such as miso sauerkraut and kimchi may prevent reinfection. These foods contain healing and soothing properties which are essential to treat an ulcer. Diet For Peptic Ulcer Stomach Ulcers What To Eat And What Not To Eat For ulcer treatment. Ulcer treatment food . Whole grains include whole-wheat breads cereals pasta and brown rice. Moreover probiotic foods contain dietary fiber which balances the activity of good and bad bacteria in your gut. Choose lean meats poultry chicken and turkey fish beans eggs and nuts. Antibiotics If you have an H. Yogurt with active cultures can help prevent ulcers. Fruits and vegetables. In one large study in Sweden people who ate fermented milk products like yogurt at least three times a week were much less likely to have ulcers than people who ate yogurt less often. Pylori and may help ulcers heal faster. There arent any special lifestyle measures you need to take during treatment but avoiding stress alcohol spicy foods a...