Abdominal Cramp Relief
If your abdominal pain feels more like trapped gas than cramping you may find relief by taking a product containing simethicone. Your pharmacist can recommend treatments to help such as. Stomach Cramp Relief Page 1 Line 17qq Com However in some cases abdominal pain may warrant a trip to the doctor. Abdominal cramp relief . Diagnosing Anxiety-Related Stomach Pain Stomach pain caused by anxiety is difficult for doctors to diagnose because the pain and indigestion are still real physical responses the same type of responses from your. Stomach pain stomach cramping and intestinal discomfort that is hard to describe can all be the result of persistent anxiety. Stomach cramps or abdominal pain is a discomfort or pain that occurs between the chest and pelvic region of the human body. Stomach cramps with bloating are often caused by trapped wind. Mild abdominal pain may go away without treatment. CT scan of the abdomen. Some mild symptoms are relieved with a few home reme...