Making Your Own Moisturizer
Continue to sprinkle cloves into the moisturizer until the desired color is achieved. Making your own homemade cream moisturizer has countless benefits. How To Make Your Own Facial Moisturizer And Skin Cream Bellatory Then apply with your fingers or your favorite application method and store the rest in the jar. Making your own moisturizer . Once the mixture is melted remove it from the heat and stir in 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil. The four ingredients that are needed to make a basic face cream are available online or through any health food store. Sprinkle a touch of the ground cloves to the moisturizer and mix with the spoon. In the same pot of simmering water but in a separate container warm the water so the oil and water reach approximately the same temperature. Coconut Oil Face Moisturizer Solidify the coconut oil. Heat over a pan of simmering water till the wax melts and stir till ingredients are thoroughly combined. Making your moisturizer in two batc...